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Legacy Law


Some laws are replaced but remain in force for, for example, products which were in the supply chain when the new law came into force. The Digest binders are not large enough to contain the old law as well as the new, so for the odd occasion when officers need to refer to Digest notes that have been superseded, there are links below to those old notes. If you would like any other legacy legislation added to this list, please email stephen.challis@lawguide.org


Electrical Equipment 1994 as amended

Electromagnetic Compatibility 2006 as amended

Gas Appliances 1995 as amended

PPE 2002 as amended

Pressure Equipment 1999 as amended

Radio Equipment and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment 2000 as amended

Recreational Craft 1996 as amended

Recreational Craft 2004 as amended

Simple Pressure Vessels 1991 as amended


Food Labelling

Infant Formula and Follow-on Formula as amended

Spirit Drinks 2008 as amended